Reiki and Energy Work
Reiki Individual Treatment Sessions
Reiki Master Teacher Shelley Ashton-Briggs offers Reiki healing sessions, which are enriched in her training and experience as a licensed mental health therapist.
Reiki and Energy Work Rates:
60/90 Minute Reiki Healing Session: $65/$90
30 Minute Reiki Healing Session: $30
If you have any questions regarding our services or would like more information, please contact us:
Recommended Reading
Libby Barnett, MSW is co-author of the book, Reiki Energy Medicine, Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice, which was Healing Arts Press' 1997 #1 Best Seller; a total of 55,000 copies have been sold in seven languages. Reiki Energy Medicine is highly acclaimed as the gold standard for integrating Reiki with conventional healthcare. You can purchase a copy of her book at: www.reikienergy.com/book_info.php
and Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine that treats a variety of mental health conditions including but not limited to anxiety, depression, anger, mania, and symptoms associated with trauma. It also regulates sleep patterns and treats insomnia.
We must all occasionally deal with major upheavals or emotional distress at some points in our lives. These events can trigger a host of unexpected feelings and behaviors from depression and panic attacks to major disruptions in sleep and eating. Not only can acupuncture and Oriental medicine alleviate symptoms associated with mental health issues, it can treat the root cause of the problem by helping to rebalance the body's internal environment.
The mission is to provide individualized acupuncture treatments to help improve the whole body by recognizing and treating the root cause of our patients’ conditions. Through in-depth consultation, we are able to determine the best treatment for our patients in order to rebalance and restore their health with acupuncture. We are also dedicated to educating our patients on lifestyle modification regarding stress, diet, exercise, and sleep.
Please download, print, and complete the below forms before your initial session.

Michael D. Johnson earned his Master's Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) in Portland, Oregon. He studied various styles of modern and classical Chinese acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and Tuina and Shiatsu bodywork. Michael is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine.
Prior to studying acupuncture, Michael earned a Master's degree in Eastern Classics from Saint John's College, in Santa Fe, NM. After graduating, he spent a few years translating various classical Chinese texts and practicing Baguazhang (a Chinese martial art), before deciding to focus his scholastic interest on the practice of acupuncture. Since graduating from OCOM, Michael has translated several ancient classics of Chinese medicine, including the Neijing, the Nanjing and the Shanghanlun.
For more information about the many benefits of acupuncture, pricing information and to schedule your acupuncture session today: